Workshop 2025

Date Tuesday, March 4th 2025
Times 09:00-17:30 CET
Location Charité Virchow Klinikum, 13353 Berlin
Organizers Jessica Rohmann, Charité
Meghan Forrest, Charité
Scientific Programme Patrick Klösel, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Will Lowe, Hertie School
Silvana Tiedemann, Hertie School
Support Institute of Public Health, Charité Berlin
Volkswagen Foundation
Applications Applications are closed, but there's a wait list


We all love causal graphs! After a successful first edition in 2024, we are back to celebrate our shared interest in causal graphs as researchers working in the Berlin and Brandenburg area across disciplines!

The focus of the workshop will be on how graphs can help us in applied research in the social sciences, climate science, health research and beyond.

You can see last year's Applied Causal Graphs Workshop here.


In addition to three keynote talks, the workshop will feature short presentations by attendees (approximately 10 minutes each), followed by 10 minutes of group discussion. We aim to create a supportive and welcoming environment, and encourage all attendees to consider presenting something – big or small, published or in progress, a new piece of software, an implementation, or a brand-new idea you'd like feedback on. We're eager to hear about it.


We will post the final workshop schedule a few weeks before the conference on our webpage: and share exact location details with all registrants. A vegetarian lunch, coffee, and snacks will be provided.

Abstract Submission

The submission deadline has passed. If you still want to attend you can sign up on our wait list.